Example usage within cronjobs starting every 5 minutes:


    // init Autoflow/SecurePHP
    $mysecure = AUTOFLOW\SECUREPHP\BOOTSTRAP::getInstance(true, false);

    // log errrors only

    // define mail send options

    // define a admin error reports go to

    // cronjob starts every 5 minutes
    $mysecure->config->timeout(5 * 60);

    // bundle and catch recurring errors every 30 minutes and
    // send them by Reminder report to admins email inbox.
    $mysecure->config->reminder(30 * 60);

     // try to create pdo object


catch(PDOException $e)


    // prevent from eof errors

    // create error report
    $report = new ConfigError("connection to database failed", "script terminated on database error", $e);

    // ConfigError is now blocked.
    // Reminder will be send every 30 minutes
    // if error raises in meantime again.



* SecurePHP
* TimerAlert
* [27-Jul-2017 20:31:18]
* send by: C:/Bitnami/apache2/htdocs/GitHub/SecurePHP/2.0/tests/testcase.php
* description: reminder
* current state: you will get notified every 30 minutes when same errors are still present
* table of contents:
* 1) ErrorTicket
* error ticket within C:\Bitnami\apache2\htdocs\GitHub\SecurePHP\2.0\tests\testcase.php, line 17
* description: connection to database failed
* current state: script terminated on database error

Individual timeouts

Timeout can be defined on ticket/report basis:

$report = new ErrorTicket("...", "...");
$report->raise(int $timeout);

Individual reminders

Reminder can be defined on ticket/report basis:

$report = new ErrorTicket("...", "...");
$report->raise(int $timeout, int $reminder);